Event Information
300 Harborview Plaza
La Crosse, WI 54601
Parking shouldn’t be necessary as our hotel is 0.5 miles away. However, the City of La Crosse does have parking at various locations including next to the La Crosse Center.
More information to follow as we haven’t figured out the food situation yet.
Hotel Information
We’ll be staying at:
GrandStay La Crosse
525 Front Street North
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: 608-796-1615
Hotel Website (for information only)
We have a group reservation for rooms types as follows for Thursday and Friday nights:
One Bedroom Suite, 24 rooms reserved, $199/night
Two Bed Studio Suite Open Concept, 9 rooms reserved, $169/night
We also have a total of 15 of the above rooms reserved for Wednesday and Saturday nights. If your family can make do with a one-bedroom suite, please do so as we have a limited number of two-bed suites reserved. All suites have full size sleeper sofas and a kitchen area.
Yes, the rates went up again from 2023 - sorry. Please keep in mind that we’re getting an all-suite hotel within walking distance. To get cheaper rooms, we’d be in standard rooms outside of the downtown area.
Make your reservations by phone by Wednesday, March 6, 2024, and tell them that you’re with Roaring Robotics. Do not make your reservations using the hotel website. Any cancellations must be made by 6 pm on the date of arrival. Let the Grumpy Adult (either by email to Roaring Robotics, goteam2704@gmail, or a BAND post) know if you encounter any reservation issues.
The hotel is about a 0.5 mile, 12 minute, walk from the La Crosse Center. It is close to the river and associated park areas. There are a variety of restaurants in the downtown area of La Crosse. There is also a grocery store (Festival Foods) just north of the La Crosse River from the downtown area (4 minutes and less than a mile by car from the hotel).

Drive team planning strategy at the 2022 Seven Rivers Regional