How to Support Our Team
Roaring Robotics, Team 2704, is a non-profit team funded by our support organization “Go Team 2704, NFP.”
We request that you contact us through our webpage contact form or e-mail us at JoinTeam2704@gmail.com if you’re interested in supporting our team or would like more information.
Why Robotics?​
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math
FIRST Robotics Competition introduces students to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S.T.E.M.) in a challenging and fun way.
Real Job Skills
Unlike many youth activities, our students actually have to produce a product. To compete, they need to design, build, and program an industrial sized robot in about 6 weeks. To do so, they not only need to work together, they need to make decisions and reach consensus together - just like a team work environment in a real world job.
A Place To Fit In
Although many of our students are active in a variety of extra-curricular activities, many are not. For a number of students, robotics is their main activity outside of school. Our team provides an activity outside of school for many students who do not easily fit in traditional school extra-curricular activities.
More Than Robots
Our team provides students with opportunities to get involved with the business aspects of the team such as media, marketing, and business planning. Because these efforts go towards supporting the team goals, it’s just like producing a genuine work product.
Gracious Professionalism™
Although robotics involves competition, professionalism takes a priority over winning. Competitions require working with other teams. The team one competes against in one match just might be the team that one is allied with for the next competition.
Levels of Sponsorship​
We want to give our sponsors credit commensurate with their degree of support to our team. The table below outlines our sponsorship levels for recognition.
Bronze - $100-$499
Recognition will include:
Logo and website link on our website
Text line on team sponsor poster
Thank you
Silver - $500-$999
Recognition for lower levels as listed above plus:
Text line on team T-shirts
Text line on team banner
Sponsor Certificate
Team Photo
Gold - $1,000-$2,499
Recognition for lower levels as listed above plus:
Robot Demo
Small logo on team T-shirts
Small logo on team sponsor poster
Small logo on team banner
Titanium - $2,500-$4,999
Recognition for lower levels as listed above plus:
Medium logo on team T-shirts
Medium logo on team sponsor poster
Medium logo on team banner
Sponsor plaque
Platinum - $5,000-$9,999
Recognition for lower levels as listed above plus:
Medium logo on team T-shirts
Medium logo on team sponsor poster
Medium logo on team banner
Sponsor plaque
Primary Sponsor - $10,000+ in funding or hosting
Recognition for lower levels as listed above plus:
Recognition as primary sponsor
Listing as a sponsor with our name on the FIRST website
Prime real estate for logo on all sponsorship recognition locations (i.e., team T-shirt, sponsorship poster, and banner)
A student dismantles a former competition robot in order to reuse the parts while another student looks on.